6 months later and I'm just happier

6 months later and I'm just happier

6 months later and I'm just happier

“I turned 48 years old in the middle of the 30 Day challenge. When I started doing Body Groove, I had worked up from dancing to 1-2 groove songs a day to doing whole segments, 3-4 days a week. Since the challenge, I have Grooved for 54 of the past 55 days, I've lost 12 lbs.


6 months ago I was on the sofa, unhappy with myself and my lack of motivation. Today I'm moving, I'm dancing all the time, my blood sugar is under better control, the arthritis I have in my left ankle, knee, hip, and low back is much less prevalent...and I'm happier. Which is my FAVORITE result I tell everyone about Misty and Body Groove!”

- Dana


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