Watching Body Groove On-Demand...
No matter how you decide to watch Body Groove, it all begins with your login email and password.
If you haven't set your password yet, or if you need to reset it, you can do so in your account profile.
Downloading the FREE Body Groove Apps...
Once you have your login email and password we recommend you download the Body Groove app for your smartphone or tablet.
NOTE: Once you download the app, you don't need to subscribe again to Body Groove. Just enter your email and password.
Also, having the Body Groove App on your phone can allow you to cast Body Groove to your television if your TV has Chromecast or Airplay support.
Click here to get the App for iPhone/iPad
Click here to get the App for Android
TV App Platforms...
You can also watch Body Groove on many of the streaming TV solutions you may currently be using.
This includes Roku, Amazon FireTV, Apple TV, and Android TV.
Simply search for Body Groove on each app platform and add the app to your account.
To activate these apps, simply follow the instructions linked above and you'll have access to all of the Body Groove content.
Other ways to experience Body Groove...
Computer. Laptop. Phone.
With your login email and password, you can watch Body Groove on your computer, tablet, or smartphone at right here on our web site.
Also, many people simply connect their laptops or tablets to their TVs via a HDMI cord.
I hope this helps enhance your Body Groove viewing experience.
If you have any more questions, we have lots of information for you at the Body Groove Help Center.
Plus, you can always email us at